The Heart of Fellowship
At National Park Church, we believe fellowship is vital. We have thriving ministries that focus on personal and spiritual growth for all ages. Within these ministries we also focus on the second great commandment: loving our neighbors. Come join us in showing God's love to one another.

Women's Ministry
Our mission is to grow in our relationship with Christ and others. We recognize that God has given us unique gifts to serve in our church and our community.
Sunday Morning 9 AM I "Spiritual Disciplines" with Boo Scott
Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM I "James: Faith That Works" with Boo Scott

Fellowship Ministry
We always look forward to our fellowship time between Sunday morning class and worship. At 9:45am, we gather in the foyer to delight in each other's company. Adding delicious donuts and drinks is a sweet benefit to our time together!

Men's Ministry
We strive to be intentional in drawing men closer to God and to each other. By strengthening the leadership in the church, our ministry serves the needs of the congregation and the community of Hot Springs.
Sunday Morning 9 AM I "Spiritual Disciplines" with Boo Scott
Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM I "James: Faith That Works" with Boo Scott

Family Life
The families at National Park Church strive to be true disciples of Jesus Christ by loving each other as well as families in our community. We focus on serving, encouraging, teaching and worshipping as families. Teaching our children the gospel at home is vital in our complex and changing world. Our focus is on our consistent, unchanging Savior.
NPC Youth
We know the value in education and development in our young people. Giving them opportunities to be in a safe place with each other and grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ is invaluable. Our hope is that our youth and teens will cultivate a love for service and furthering God's Kingdom wherever He leads them.
Sunday Morning 9 AM I Classes by age
Children's Church (ages 3-5) during Sunday morning sermon
Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM I Classes by age